Manager Info 2024-05-31

May. 31, 2024

Manager Information 2024-05-31


 The league dealt with a number of questions about rules and pitch count over the last weekend.  PLEASE READ THE RULES/PITCH COUNT CLARIFICATION FOR LMBL document that is posted under the "Rules" tab.


Crossover Games

A number of teams dropped out of the crossover tournaments, many at the last minute causing a great deal of extra work and issues for hosts, the scheduling committee, and the other teams and families who attended their scheduled games.  The crossover tournament weekends are part of league play and are not optional.  Teams that failed to attend their crossover games will not be permitted to reschedule those games as league play, although they are welcome to schedule them as exhibition games.


Home team enters score, visiting team verifies.

The home team must enter the game score onto the LMBL website.  The visiting team does not have access to enter scores, but should go in and verify the scores.  If the visiting team marks the game as having errors, the home team should go in to read their comments and make any necessary corrections.  If the two teams do not agree on the final score, then please ask your association presidents to address it and if necessary, the presidents can bring it to the league for a decision.  If a team has failed to enter scores, first please have your president address their president to get the manager in question to enter scores.




Manager Information 2024-05-21

Umpire Fees for Crossover Tournaments

Each team will pay 1/2 of the umpire fees (excluding travel) for their crossover tournament games.  Please contact your host association for amounts and payment methods (e.g. cheque, etransfer).




Manager Information 2024-05-20

Team Contacts/Rosters

All teams should have added their team rosters and team staff (coach managers) PRIOR to playing their first game.  A number of teams still do not have contact information or team rosters posted on the website.  All associations received team logins as soon as their teams were created on the website.  Please contact your association to get your team login and add your team information asap.


Game Schedules

Game schedules have all been posted.  Please check your schedules again as there were late entries and withdrawals up until this past week, so some schedules were revised multiple times.  (Some game changes submitted via the game change form have not been posted yet).


Rainouts/Game Changes

Use the Rainouts form only if you want a game marked as "rainout" on the schedule.  The date & time of the game will not be changed unless you submit a game change form.

Use the Game Change form to send in updates to the date, time or location of a game.  You do not need to submit a rainout form if you have already rescheduled the game.

For either form, you must provide the 5 digit game number or the game will not be updated.

When games are updated and there is a change to the date/time, I usually click on the option to have RAMP send a system generated email notice of the changes to the team staff.  If you have not entered an email address for any of your team staff, you will not receive an email.  I usually do not send an email if the date/time is the same and only the diamond location has been updated (e.g. game is changed from diamond 2 to diamond 1).


Communication Protocol

Reminder that managers/coaches should bring issues to their own association executive, and association presidents contact the league where necessary.




Manager Information 2024-05-08


Team Contact Info - Urgent

Please get AT LEAST TWO contacts with PHONE NUMBERS added to your team ASAP.  Other managers need to be able to contact your team to confirm games & locations, especially in cases where there may be a cancellation due to weather.

If you add multiple staff at once, you can add email addresses, but you will still have to edit each individual record to add phone numbers.  Information on how to do so is in the Guide under the League Documents tab.  /cloud/lakelandminorball/files/How%20to%20Add%20Players_Staff%20%26%20Enter_Verify%20Scores%20revised%202024-05-02.pdf



Please also ensure that your team rosters are posted, including jersey numbers.


Website Logins

Team logins for the website were sent to associations.  Please contact your association to get your team login.  You will need this to add team staff and rosters, and to post and verify game results.



There have been a number of late entry/late withdrawals right up into the first week of play.  Every time this happens, the schedule must be adjusted.  As soon as the schedules are revised again and finalized, the remaining weeknight games will be posted.  Crossover weekend schedules will be posted as soon as they are finalized.  There is information about crossover weekend locations under the Crossover Tournaments menu tab so you can see where your team will be.


Please post your practices on your home association website.  Practices added to the league website may be deleted without notice.

Rainout & Game Change Forms

Forms have been added under the Game Changes menu tab to make it easier for managers to submit rainouts and game changes and easier for the web admin to keep track of change requests.  You must include the game number for any change requests.  Go to your team’s page on the website and click “League Games” for a schedule that includes the game numbers.

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